Do You Need Assistance In Increasing COVID-19 Testing Throughput 

Huxley Bertram is keen to help us all get through COVID-19. Do you know any firms who need assistance in increasing COVID-19 testing throughput?

A number of firms have asked if we are helping with any of the COVID-19 calls. For instance, increasing the number of ventilators available or helping increase the number of COVID-19 tests available.

We are certainly helping where we can. We are part of a consortium trying to make an alternative ventilator available. Similarly we are in touch with a firm trying to increase its production throughput multi-fold to provide greater capacity for anti-body diagnostic tests.

Typically this is what we do for many clients: help them increase production by removing bottle-necks in production.

In the first instance, this can be simply mechanising manual tasks with equipment like bowl-feeders, rotary tables and bespoke stations like insertion tools.

If you need assistance (or know someone who does) to increase the testing capacity or production capacity for test kits, please put them in touch with us –