Huxley Bertram Celebrates 40th Anniversary


Huxley Bertram celebrated its 40th anniversary in September 2019. This video shows footage of the anniversary party.

TeraSolve – Terahertz Spectroscopy Tool Collaboratively Developed by Huxley Bertram

Huxley Bertram is proud to be involved in collaboratively developing new and leading technology, TeraSolve, it uses terahertz spectroscopy to measure the total porosity of tablets.
Together with TeraView (, Axel Zeitler from University of Cambridge ( and Daniel Markl from the University of Strathclyde, Huxley Bertram has developed a completely new terahertz spectroscopy sensor that can be used for at-line measurements for the development and quality testing of immediate release tablets in the pharmaceutical industry.
The instrument is capable of measuring the total porosity of tablets without any sample preparation in transmission in less than a second. The results of the measurement can be monitored in real-time and stored for subsequent analysis such as chemometric analysis using commonly available tools such as SIPAT.
Further research is in progress to translate this technology into in-line and/or on-line sensing applications for the pharmaceutical industry. The TeraSolve was developed as part of a collaborative project with GSK funded by Innovate UK, project reference 104196.
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